All submissions must be e-mailed to [email protected].
The mail should include the manuscript and a cover note having the name, contact number, mail id and institution or organization the author/s are a part of. The mail must also specify the title of the article in bold.
Word limit of the manuscript should be between 750 – 3000 words.
Font: Times New Roman
Font size of the titles: 14
Font size of the body: 12
Text should be justified
The manuscript should contain the required footnotes in proper Bluebook 19th Edition Citation methodology.
Submissions must be made in .doc/ .docx formats only.
No personal information (Name, institutional affiliation, etc.) should be included in the manuscript.
The manuscript can be co-authored by a maximum of 2 people.
We believe in maintaining strict standards of academic integrity. We appreciate originality of thoughts and opinions, in the light of which, plagiarized content is prohibited.
By submitting a manuscript, the author agrees that the manuscript is original and has not been published/ acknowledged or submitted on any other platform.
We reserve the right to edit the manuscript. Any editing of the manuscript shall be informed to the author accordingly.
Skilful articulation of concepts of Law for better understanding of all through the means of simple language must reflect in the piece.