Chapter – I: General Provisions (Section 2 – 6)
This chapter being the first chapter of the Act lays down definitions, scope of the act, scope of judicial intervention in arbitration, any form of administrative assistance etc. for conduct of arbitration proceedings.
Chapter – II: Arbitration Agreement (Section 7 – 9)
This chapter explains as to which agreement can be termed as an arbitration agreement, effect of the arbitration agreement and the interim measures that can be taken by the Court at any time before enforcement of the arbitral award.
Chapter – III: Composition of Arbitral Tribunal (Section 10 – 15)
This chapter as the name suggests deals with the point of as to who all can be members of an arbitral tribunal. Who can be an arbitrator? What can be the number of arbitrators in an arbitral panel? etc.
Chapter – IV: Jurisdiction of Arbitral Tribunal (Section 16 – 17)
Now, once an arbitral panel is instituted, the next point that arises is as to what will be the jurisdiction of the Arbitral panel instituted. This chapter deals with this issue of jurisdiction of the Arbitral Tribunal.
Chapter – V: Conduct of Arbitral Proceedings (Section 18 – 27)
This chapter deals with the point of as to how the arbitral proceedings will be conducted, language used, evidences recorded, arguments recorded, etc.. Basically, this chapter deals with the arbitration post the stage of jurisdiction till the stage of pronouncement of arbitral award.
Chapter – VI: Making of Arbitral Award and Termination of Proceedings (Section 28 – 33)
This chapter deals with the niceties involved in preparing an arbitral award.
Chapter – VII: Recourse against Arbitral Award (Section 34)
This chapter lays down the provision available in the act for setting aside the arbitral award.
Chapter – VIII: Finality and Enforcement of Arbitral Awards (Section 35 – 36)
This chapter lays down the scope of finality of the arbitral award and the manner in which the award shall be enforced.
Chapter – IX: Appeals (Section 37)
This chapter lays down the requisite conditions that need to be fulfilled for filing an appeal against an arbitral award.
Chapter – X: Miscellaneous (Section 38 – 43)
This chapter as is the name comprises of all the miscellaneous sections pertaining to national arbitration that could not find a spot in the chapters above.